

Hовые поступления с 5 июня по 1 августа 2011 года

  1. Епрев А.С. Исследование влияния разрешения лексической 
многозначности с помощью контекстных векторов на 
эффективность категоризации текстовых документов: Дис... 
канд. ф.-м. наук: 05.13.11.-Новосибирск, 2011.-118 с.
-Библиогр.: c.103-118.
  2. Целлер А. Почему не работают программы. Руководство по 
системной отладке/пер. с анг. М.Райтман.- М.: Эксмо, 2011.- 
560 с.-Библиогр.: c.550-559.
  3. Ершовская конференция по информатике 2011 (PSI 11). 
Секция "Информатика образования"/Доклады и тезисы, июнь-июль 
2011, Новосибирск, Россия/ИСИ СО РАН; .-Новосибирск, 2011.
-147 с.-(PSI Conference Series).
  4. Ершовская конференция по информатике 2011 (PSI 11). 
Рабочий семинар "Наукоемкое программное обеспечение"/Труды 
НПО 2011, июнь-июль 2011, Новосибирск, Россия/ИСИ СО РАН; 
Ред. А.Г.Марчук.-Новосибирск, 2011.-294 с.-(PSI Conference 
  5. Картак В.М. Методы анализа и оптимизации N-мерной 
ортогональной упаковки на базе сечений различных 
размерностей: Автореф. дис... докт. ф.-м. наук: 05.13.11.-Уфа,
 2011.-30 с.-Библиогр.: c.27-30.
  6. Программные системы и инструменты. Тематический сборник/
МГУ. Факультет вычислительной математики и кибернетики; под 
ред. Л.Н.Королева.-М., 2010, N 11.-122 с.
  7. История информатики и кибернетики в Санкт-Петербурге 
(Ленинграде). Вып.1. Яркие фрагменты истории/под общ.ред. 
Р.М.Юсупова; Санкт-Петербургский ин-т информатики и 
автоматизации РАН. .- Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2008.- 356 с.
  8. История информатики и кибернетики в Санкт-Петербурге 
(Ленинграде). Вып.2/под общ.ред. Р.М.Юсупова; 
Санкт-Петербургский ин-т информатики и автоматизации РАН. .- 
Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во ООО "Анатолия", 2010.- 152 с.
  9. Ершовская конференция по информатике 2011. Труды 
третьего семинара "Знания и Онтологии 
*ELSERWHERE*2011"/Новосибирск, июль 2011/под ред. 
Н.В.Шилова, Ю.А.Загорулько.-Новосибирск, 2011.-102 с.-(PSI 
Conference Series).
 10. Ershov Informatics Conference 2011. International 
Workshop on Program Understanding/ July, Novososedovo, Russia.
-Новосибирск, 2011.-43 p.-(PSI Conference Series).
 11. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 
Revised Selected Papers/20th International Symposium, LOPSTR 
2010, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2010/Ed. by  M.Alpuente.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6564.-249 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 12. Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 
Proc./11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011, Vancouver, 
Canada, May 2011/Ed. by  J.P.Delgrande, W.Faber.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6645.-406 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).

 13. Logic, Language, Information and Computation: 
Proc./18th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2011, 
Philadelphia,PA,USA, May 2011/Ed. by  L.D.Beklemishev, 
R.De_Queiroz.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6642.-311 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 14. GeoSpatial Semantics: Proc./4th International 
Conference, GeoS 2011, Brest, France, May 2011/Ed. by  
Ch.Claramunt, S.Levashkin, M.Bertolotto.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6631.-235 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 15. Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing: Proc./6th 
International Conference, GPC 2011, Oulu, Finland, May 2011/
Ed. by  J.Riekki, M.Ylianttila, M.Guo.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6646.-296 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 16. New Horizons in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2010 
Workshop: Revised Selected Papers/ ICWL 2010 Workshops: 
STEG, CICW, WGLBWS, and IWKDEWL, Shanghai, China, December 
2010/Ed. by  X.Luo, Y.Cao, B.Yang, J.Liu.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6537.-338 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 17. Experimental Algorithms: Proc./10th International 
Symposium, SEA 2011, Kolimpari, Chania, Crete, Greece, May 
2011/Ed. by  P.M.Pardalos, S.Rebennack.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6630.-458 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 18. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 
Proc./8th Annual Conference, TAMC 2011, Tokyo, Japan, May 
2011/Ed. by  M.Ogihara, J.Tarui.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6648.-564 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 19. Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 
2011: Proc./14th International Conference, SAT 2011, Ann 
Arbor,MI,USA, June 2011/Ed. by  K.A.Sakallah, L.Simon.-Berlin:
 Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6695.-371 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 20. Computer Science - Theory and Applications: Proc./6th 
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 
2011, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 2011/Ed. by  A.Kulikov, 
N.Vereshchagin.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6651.-471 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 21. Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 
Proc./8th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop. GbRPR 2011, 
Munster, Germany, May 2011/Ed. by  X.Jiang, M.Ferrer, 
A.Torsello.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6658.-345 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 22. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 
Proc./15th International Conference, IPCO 2011, New 
York,NY,USA, June 2011/Ed. by  O.Gunluk, G.J.Woeginger.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6655.-432 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 23. Coordination Models and Languages: Proc./ 13th 
International Conference, COORDINATION 2011, Reykjavik, 
Iceland, June 2011/Ed. by  W.De_Meuter, G.-C.Roman.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6721.-219 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 24. Pervasive Computing: Proc./9th International 
Conference, Pervasive 2011, San Francisco, USA, June 2011/
Ed. by  K.Lyons, J.Hightower, E.M.Huang.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6696.-370 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

 25. Unconventional Computation: Proc./10th International 
Conference, UC 2011, Turku, Finland, June 2011/Ed. by  
C.S.Calude, J.Kari, I.Petre, G.Rozenberg.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6714.-247 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 26. Frontiers in Algorithmics and Algorithmic Aspects in 
Infomation and Management: Proc./ Joint International 
Conference, FAW-AAIM 2011, Jinhua, China, May 2011/Ed. by  
M.Atallah, X.-Y.Li, B.Zhu.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6681.
-390 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 27. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 
Proc./11th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2011, 
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2011/Ed. by  P.Felber, R.Rouvoy.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6723.-301 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 28. Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems: Proc./Joint 
13th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2011 and 
30th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2011, 
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2011/Ed. by  R.Bruni, J.Dingel.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6722.-349 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 29. Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge 
Management: Revised Selected Papers/18th International 
Conference, INAP 2009, Evora, Portugal, November 2009/Ed. by 
S.Abreu, D.Seipel.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6547.-239 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 30. Model Checking and Arttificial Intelligence: Revised 
Selected and Invited Papers/6th International Workshop, 
MoChArt 2010, Atlanta,GA,USA, July 2010/Ed. by  
R.Van_Der_Meyden, J.-G.Smaus.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 
6572.-131 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 31. Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 
Proc./5th International Conference, LATA 2011, Tarragona, 
Spain, May 2011/Ed. by  A.-H.Dediu, Sh.Inenaga, C.Martin-Vede.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6638.-512 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 32. Foundations of Computer Software. Modeling, 
Development, and Verification of Adaptive Systems: Revised 
Selected Papers/16th Monterey Workshop 2010, Redmont,WA,USA, 
March/April 2010/Ed. by  R.Calinescu, E.Jackson.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6662.-239 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 33. Models in Software Engineering: Reports and Revised 
Selected Papers/ Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2010, 
Oslo, Norway, October 2010/Ed. by  J.Dingel, A.Solbern.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6627.-416 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 34. Typed Lambada Calculi and Applications: Proc./10th 
International Conference, TLCA 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, June 
2011/Ed. by  L.Ong.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6690.-245 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 35. End-User Development: Proc./Third International 
Symposium, IS-EUD 2011, Torre Canne (BR), Italy, June 2011/
Ed. by  Y.Dittrich, M.F.Costabile, G.Fischer, A.Piccinno.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6654.-426 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).

 36. Information Theoretic Security: Proc./5th International 
Conference, ICITS 2011, Amsterdam, THe Netherlands, May 2011/
Ed. by  S.Fehr.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6673.-227 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 37. Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint 
Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: 
Proc./8th International Conference, CPAIOR 2011, Berlin, 
Germany, May 2011/Ed. by  T.Achterberg, J,Ch.Beck.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6697.-253 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 38. Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: Proc./8th 
International Workshop, WAW 2011, Atlanta,GA,USA, May 2011/
Ed. by  A.Friese, P.Horn, P.Pralat.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6732.-127 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 39. Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and 
Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Essays Dedicated to Michael Gelfond 
on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday/Ed. by  M.Balduccini, 
T.C.Son.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6565.-513 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 40. Functional and Constraint Logic Programming: Revised 
Selected Papers/19th International Workshop, WFLP 2010, 
Madrid, Spain, January 2010/Ed. by  J.Marino.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6559.-175 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 41. Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces, 
and Communicability: Revised Selected Papers/ First 
International Conference, ADNTIIC 2010, Huerta Grande, 
Argentina, October 2010/Ed. by  F.V.C.Ficarra, 
C.De_Castro_Lozano.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6616.-193 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 42. Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 
Proc./12th International Conference, RAMICS 2011, Rotterdam, 
The Netherlands, May/June 2011/Ed. by  H.De_Swart.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6663.-363 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 43. Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented 
Systems: Results of the SENSORIA Project on Software 
Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing/Ed. by  
M.Wirsing, M.Holzl.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6582.-737 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 44. Applied Cryptography and Network Security: Proc./9th 
International Conference, ACNS 2011, Nerja, Spain, June 2011/
Ed. by  J.Lopez, G.Tsudik.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6715.
-552 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 45. Information Security. Theory and Practice. Security and 
Privacy of Mobile Devices in Wireless Communication: 
Proc./5th IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, WISTR 2011, 
Heraclion, Crete, Greece, June 2011/Ed. by  C.A.Ardagna, 
J.Zhou.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6633.-392 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 46. Coding and Cryptology: Proc./ Third International 
Workshop, IWCC 2011, Qingdao, China, May/June 2011/Ed. by  
Y.M.Chee, Z.Guo, S.Ling, F.Shao.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6639.-295 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 47. Information Security. Practice and Experience: 
Proc./7th International Conference, ISPEC 2011, Guangzhou, 
China, May/June 2011/Ed. by  F.Bao, J.Weng.-Berlin: Springer,
 2011.-Vol. 6672.-448 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 48. Service-Oriented Perspectives in Design Science 
Research: Proc./6th International Conference, DESRIST 2011, 
Milwaukee,WI,USA, May 2011/Ed. by  H.Jain, A.P.Sinha, 
P.Vitharana.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6629.-476 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 49. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2011: Proc./30th 
Annual International Conference on the Theory and 
Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Tallinn, Estonia, 
May 2011/Ed. by  K.G.Paterson.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 
6632.-628 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 50. Digital Privacy: PRIME - Privacy and Identity 
Management for Europe/Ed. by  J.Camenisch, R.Leenes, D.Sommer.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6545.-775 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 51. Theory of Cryptography: Proc./8th Theory and 
Cryptography Conference, TCC 2011, Providence,RI,USA, March 
2011/Ed. by  Y.Ishai.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6597.-631 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 52. Selected Areas in Cryptography: Revised Selected 
Papers/17th International Workshop, SAC 2010, 
Waterloo,Ontario,Canada, August 2010/Ed. by  A.Biryukov, 
G.Gong, D.R.Stinson.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6544.-411 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 53. Computational Forensics: Revised Selected Papers/4th 
International Workshop, IWCF 2010, Tokyo, Japan, November 
2010/Ed. by  H.Sako, K.Y.Franke, Sh.Saitoh.-Berlin: Springer,
 2011.-Vol. 6540.-213 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 54. Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2011: Proc./14th 
International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public 
Key Cryptography, Taormina, Italy, March 2011/Ed. by  
D.Catalano, N.Fazio, R.Gennaro, A.Nicolosi.-Berlin: Springer,
 2011.-Vol. 6571.-495 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 55. Digital Watermarking: Revised Selected Papers/9th 
International Workshop, IWDW 2010, Seoul, Korea, October 2010
/Ed. by  H.-J.Kim, Y.-Q.Shi, M.Barni.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6526.-317 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 56. Formal Aspects of Security and Trust: Revised Selected 
Papers/7th International Workshop, FAST 2010, Pisa, Italy, 
September 2010/Ed. by  P.Degano, S.Etalle, J.Guttman.-Berlin:
 Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6561.-239 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 57. Privacy and Security Issues in Data Mining and Machine 
Learning: Revised Selected Papers/ International ECML/PKDD 
Workshop, PSDML 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010/Ed. 
by  C.Dimitrokakis, A.Gkoulalas-Divanis, A.Mitrokotsa, 
V.S.Verykios.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6549.-141 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).

 58. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular 
Computing: Proc./13th International Conference, RSFDGrC 
2011, Moscow, Russia, June 2011/Ed. by  S.O.Kuznetsov, 
D.Slezak, D.H.Hepting, B.G.Mirkin.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6743.-370 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 59. Inductive Logic Programming: Revised Papers/20th 
International Conference, ILP 2010, Florence, Italy, June 
2010/Ed. by  P.Frasconi, F.A.Lisi.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6489.-278 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 60. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, Part I: 
Proc./6th International Conference, HAIS 2011, Wroclaw, 
Poland, May 2011/Ed. by  E.Corchado, M.Kurzinski, M.Wozniak.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6678.-472 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 61. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, Part II: 
Proc./6th International Cobference, HAIS 2011, Wroclaw, 
Poland, May 2011/Ed. by  E.Corchado, M.Kurzinski, M.Wozniak.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6679.-490 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 62. Automated Deductiom in Geometry: Revised Papers/7th 
International Workshop, ADG 2008, Shanghai, China, September 
2008/Ed. by  T.Sturm, Ch.Zengler.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6301.-225 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 63. Knowledge-Driven Multimedia Information Extraction and 
Ontology Evolution: Bridging thq Semantic Gap/Ed. by  
G.Palioras, C.D.Spiropoulos, G.Tsatsaronis.-Berlin: Springer,
 2011.-Vol. 6050.-245 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 64. Tools for Teaching Logic: Proc./ Third International 
Congress, TICTTL 2011, Salamanca, Spain, June 2011/Ed. by  
P.Blackburn, H.Van_Ditmarsh, M.Manzano, F.Soler-Toscano.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6680.-257 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 65. Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./24th 
Canadial Conference on AI, Canadian AI 2011, St.John's, 
Canada, May 2011/Ed. by  C.Butz, P.Lingras.-Berlin: Springer,
 2011.-Vol. 6657.-434 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 66. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part 
I: Proc./15th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2011, Shenzhen, 
China, May 2011/Ed. by  J.Z.Huang, L.Cao, J.Srivastava.
-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6634.-564 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 67. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part 
II: Proc./15th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2011, 
Ahenzhen, China, May 2011/Ed. by  J.Z.Huang, L.Cao, 
J.Srivastava.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6635.-558 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 68. Formal Concept Analysis: Proc./9th International 
Conference, ICFCA 2011, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2011/Ed. by  
P.Valtchev, R.Jaschke.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.-Vol. 6628.
-266 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 69. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VIII: 
Revised, Selected and Invited Papers/8th International 
Workshop, DALT 2010, Toronto, Canada, May 2010/Ed. by  
A.Omicini, S.Sardina, W.Vasconcelos.-Berlin: Springer, 2011.
-Vol. 6619.-205 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 70. Bioinformatics Research and Applications: Proc./7th 
International Symposium, ISBRA 2011, Changsha, China, May 
2011/Ed. by  J.Chen, J.Wang, A.Zelikovsky.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6674.-454 p.-(Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
 71. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part I: Proc./ Second 
International Conference, ICSI 2011, Chongqing, China, June 
2011/Ed. by  Y.Tan, Y.Shi, Y.Chai, G.Wang.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6728.-639 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 72. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part II: Proc./ Second 
International Conference, ICSI 2011, Chongqing, China, June 
2011/Ed. by  Y.Tan, Y.Shi, Y.Chai, G.Wang.-Berlin: Springer, 
2011.-Vol. 6729.-587 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 73. Сухонос А.Г. Пучковые когомологии и размерности 
пространств ЧУ: Автореф. дис... канд. ф.-м. наук: 01.01.04.
-Владивосток, 2011.-18 с.-Библиогр.: c.17-18.