
Мемориальная библиотека им. А.П. Ершова

Hовые поступления с 18 октября по 2 ноября 2009 года

  1. Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Proc./9th International 
Symposium, PETS 2009. Seattle, WA, USA, August 2009/Ed. by  
I.Goldberg, M.J.Atallah.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5672.-255 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  2. Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers: 
Proc./International Conference, EHAWC 2009 Held as Part of 
HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. by 
B.-T.Karsh.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5624.
-288 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  3. Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: Revised 
Papers/5th International Symposium, CMMR 2008. Copenhagen, 
Denmark, May 2008/Ed. by  S.Ystad, R.Kronland-Martinet, 
K.Jensen.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5493.-285 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  4. Data and Applications Security XXIII: Proc./23rd Annual 
IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference. Montreal, Canada, July 2009/
Ed. by  E.Gudes, J.Vaidya.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5645.-315 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  5. Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: Revised 
Selected Papers/13th International Workshop, FMICS 2008. 
L'Aquila, Italy, September 2008/Ed. by  D.Cofer, A.Fantechi.
-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5596.-233 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  6. Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2009: Proc./Third 
International Conference. Palo Alto, CA, USA, August 2009/
Ed. by  H.Shacham, B.Waters.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5671.-267 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  7. Frontiers in Algorithmics: Proc./Third International 
Workshop, FAW 2009. Hefei, China, June 2009/Ed. by  X.Deng, 
J.E.Hopcroft, J.Xue.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5598.-372 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  8. Privacy, Security, and Trust in KDD: Revised Selected 
Papers/Second ACM SIGKDD International Workshop, PinKDD 
2008. Las Vegas, NV, USA, August 2008/Ed. by  F.Bonchi, 
E.Ferrari, W.Jiang, B.Malin.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5456.-125 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  9. Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems: Proc./Joint 
11th IFIP WG6.1 Intl Conference FMOODS 2009 & 29th IFIP 
WG6.1 Intl Conference FORTE 2009. Lisboa, Portugal, June 2009
/Ed. by  D.Lee, A.Lopes, A.Poetzsch-Heffter.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5522.-249 p.-(Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science).
 10. Static Analysis: Proc./16th International Symposium, 
SAS 2009. Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2009/Ed. by  
J.Palsberg, Zh.Su.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 
5673.-361 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 11. Virtual and Mixed Reality: Proc./Third International 
Conference, VMR 2009 Held as Part of HCI International 2009. 
San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. by  R.Shumaker.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5622.-649 p.-(Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science).
 12. Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: Proc./11th 
International Symposium, SSTD 2009. Aalborg, Denmark, July 
2009/Ed. by  N.Mamoulis, Th.Seidl, T.B.Pedersen, K.Torp.
-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5644.-466 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 13. Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2009: Proc./Second 
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa. Gammarth, 
Tunisia, June 2009/Ed. by  B.Preneel.-Berlin, Heidelberg: 
Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5580.-435 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 14. ECOOP 2009 - Object-Oriented Programming: Proc./23rd 
European Conference. Genoa, Italy, July 2009/Ed. by  
S.Drossopoulou.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5653.
-631 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 15. Internationalization, Design and Global Development: 
Proc./Third International Conference, IDGD 2009 Held as Part 
of HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. 
by  N.Aykin.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5623.
-526 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 16. Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 
Proc./Third International Conference, COCOA 2009. Huangshan, 
China, June 2009/Ed. by  D.-Zh.Du, X.Hu, P.M.Pardalos.
-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5573.-542 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 17. Developments in Language Theory: Proc./13th 
International Conference, DLT 2009. Stuttgart, Germany, 
June/July 2009/Ed. by  V.Diekert, D.Nowotka.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5583.-503 p.-(Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science).
 18. Computer Vision and Graphics: Revised 
Papers/International Conference, ICCVG 2008. Warsaw, Poland, 
November 2008/Ed. by  L.Bolc, J.L.Kulikowski, K.Wojciechowski.
-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5337.-498 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 19. Learning by Playing: Game-based Education System Design 
and Development: Proc./4th International Conference on 
E-Learning and Games, Edutainment 2009/Ed. by  M.Chang, 
R.Kuo, Kinshuk, G.-D.Chen.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5670.-579 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 20. User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: 
Proc./17th International Conference, UMAP 2009, formerly UM 
and AH. Trento, Italy, June 2009/Ed. by  G.-J.Houben, 
G.Mccalla, F.Pianesi, M.Zancanaro.-Berlin, Heidelberg: 
Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5535.-488 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 21. Image Analysis: Proc./16th Scandinavian Conference, 
SCIA 2009. Oslo, Norway, June 2009/Ed. by  A.-B.Salberg, 
J.Y.Hardeberg, R.Jenssen.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5575.-783 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 22. Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and 
Applications: Proc./16th International Conference, ASMTA 
2009. Madrid, Spain, June 2009/Ed. by  K.Al-Begain, D.Fiems, 
G.Horvath.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5513.
-401 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 23. Fast Software Encryption: Revised Selected Papers/16th 
International Workshop, FSE 2009. Leuven, Belgium, February 
2009/Ed. by  O.Dunkelman.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5665.-417 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 24. Artificial Immune Systems: Proc./8th International 
Conference, ICARIS 2009. York, UK, August 2009/Ed. by  
P.S.Andrews, J.Timmis, N.D.L.Owens, U.Aickelin.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5666.-343  p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 25. Financial Cryptography and Data Security: Revised 
Selected Papers/13th International Conference, FC 2009. 
Accra Beach, Barbados, February 2009/Ed. by  R.Dingledine, 
Ph.Golle.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5628.-381 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 26. Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2009: Proc./29th Annual 
International Cryptology Conference. Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 
August 2009/Ed. by  Sh.Halevi.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5677.-692 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 27. Human-Computer Interaction: New Trends: Part I: 
Proc./13th International Conference, HCI International 2009. 
San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. by  J.A.Jacko.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5610.-913 p.-(Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science).
 28. Human-Computer Interaction: Ambient, Ubiquitous and 
Intelligent Interaction: Part III: Proc./13th International 
Conference, HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 
2009/Ed. by  J.A.Jacko.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5612.-818 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 29. Human-Computer Interaction: Novel Interaction Methods 
and Techniques: Part II: Proc./13th International 
Conference, HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 
2009/Ed. by  J.A.Jacko.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5611.-912 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 30. Computational Science - ICCS 2009: Part I: Proc./9th 
International Conference. Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 2009/Ed. 
by  G.Allen, J.Nabrzyski, E.Seidel, Albada G.D.Van.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5544.-1030 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 31. Computational Science - ICCS 2009: Part II: Proc./9th 
International Conference. Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 2009/Ed. 
by  G.Allen, P.M.A.Sloot, E.Seidel, J.Dongarra.-Berlin, 
Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5545.-920 p.-(Lecture Notes 
in Computer Science).
 32. Transactions on Edutainment II/Ed. by  Rhalibi A.El, 
Zh.Pan, A.D.Cheok, W.Mueller.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5660.-313 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 33. Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks: Design, 
Analysis and Simulation/Ed. by  J.Lerner, D.Wagner, K.A.Zweig.
-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5515.-401 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 34. Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development V/
Ed. by  A.Rashid, H.Ossher.-Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5490.-265 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 35. Андреева Т.А. Стуктурный анализ и систематизация 
условий олимпиадных задач по программированию.-Новосибирск, 
2008.-50 с.-(Препринт/ИСИ СО РАН; N 149).
 36. Марьясов И.В. На пути к автоматической верификации 
программ на языке C-light. Смешанная аксиоматическая 
семантика языка C-kernel.-Новосибирск, 2008.-32 с.
-(Препринт/ИСИ СО РАН; N 150).
 37. Нужный А.С., Кучугов П.А. Исследование области 
применимости Байесовского подхода к регуляризации 
аппроксимации.-М., 2009.-17 с.-(Препринт/ИБРАЭ РАН; N 
 38. Климов Ю.А. Специализация программ на 
объектно-ориентированых языках методом частичных вычислений: 
Автореф. дис... канд. ф.-м. наук: 05.13.11.-М., 2009.-22 с.
-Библиогр.: c.22.
 39. Дьяконов А.Г. Алгебраические замыкания обобщенной 
модели алгоритмов распознавания, основанных на вычислении 
оценок: Автореф. дис... докт. ф.-м. наук: 01.01.09.-М., 2009.
-39 с.-Библиогр.: c.38-39.
 40. Сулимова В.В. Потенциальные функции для анализа 
сигналов и символьных последовательностей разной длины: 
Автореф. дис... канд. ф.-м. наук: 05.13.17.-М., 2009.-22 с.
-Библиогр.: c.22.
 41. Мо Чжо Чо Моделирование вычислительного процесса, 
разработка алгоритмов и пакета прикладных программ для 
вычисления экспоненциальной функции на ПЛИС: Автореф. дис... 
канд. тех. наук: 05.13.05.-М., 2009.-23 с.-Библиогр.: c.23.
 42. Рыков И.А. Алгоритмы с оценками качества для задач 
календарного планирования, упаковки и выбора подмножества 
векторов: Автореф. дис... канд. ф.-м. наук: 01.01.09.
-Новосибирск, 2009.-19 с.-Библиогр.: c.19.
 43. Книжная серия "История информатики" (Краткое содержание)
/ИВМ и МГ СО РАН. ИСИ СО РАН; Ред. Я.И.Фет.-Новосибирск, 2009.
-98 с.
 44. "Актуальные проблемы прикладной математики и 
информационных технологий - аль-Хорезми 2009": Тезисы 
докладов международной конференции (18-21 сентября 2009 г., 
Ташкент)/Министерство высшего и среднего специального 
образования республики Узбекистан. Национальный университет 
Узбекистана им.Мирзо Улугбека; Ред. Т.Дж.Джураев.-Ташкент, 
2009.-208 с.
 45. Operations Research Proceedings 2008: Selected Papers 
of the Annual International Conference of the German 
Operations Research Society (GOR) University of Augsburg, 
September 3-5, 2008/Ed. by  B.Fieischmann, K.H.Borgwardt, 
R.Klein, A.Tuma.-Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.-580 p.
 46. Distributed Applications and Interoperable 
Systems:/Proc.9th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference, DAIS 
2009 Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009/Ed. by  T.Senivongse, 
R.Oliveira.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5523.
-171 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 47. Web Services and Formal Methods: Revised Selected 
Papers/ 5th International Workshop, WS-FM 2008. Milan, 
Italy, September 2008/Ed. by  R.Bruni, K.Wolf.-Heidelberg, 
Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5387.-241 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 48. Scalability of Networks and Services: Proc./Third 
International Conference AIMS 2009. Enschede, The 
Netherlands, June/July 2009/Ed. by  R.Sadre, A.Pras.
-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5637.-211 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 49. Digital Human Modeling: Proc./Second International 
Conference, ICDHM 2009 Held as Part of HCI International 
2009. San Giego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. by  V.G.Duffy.
-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5620.-767 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 50. Computer Science - Theory and Applications: Proc./4th 
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 
2009. Novosibirsk, Russia, August 2009/Ed. by  A.Frid, 
A.Marozov, A.Rybalchenko, K.W.Wagner.-Heidelberg, Berlin: 
Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5675.-369 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 51. Graph Theory, Computational Intelligence and Thought: 
Essays Dedicated to Martin Charles Golumbic on the Occasion 
of His 60th Birthday/Ed. by  M.Lipshteyn, V.E.Levit, 
R.M.Mcconnell.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5420.
-227 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 52. Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications: 
Essays in Honor of John Mylopoulos/Ed. by  A.T.Borgida, 
V.K.Chaudhri, P.Giorgini, E.S.Yu.-Heidelberg, Berlin: 
Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5600.-504 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 53. Fuzzy Logic and Applications: Proc./8th International 
Workshop, WILF 2009. Palermo, Italy, June 2009/Ed. by  
V.Di_Gesu, S.K.Pal, A.Petrosino.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer,
 2009.-Vol. 5571.-378 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 54. Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Invited and 
Selected Papers/ 6th International Workshop, ProMAS 2008 
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008/Ed. by  K.V.Hindriks, A.Pokahr, 
S.Sardina.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5442.
-253 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 55. Created Brain-Like Intelligence: From Basic Principles 
to Complex Intelligent Systems/Ed. by  B.Sendhoff, E.Korner, 
O.Sporns, H.Ritter.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 
5436.-351 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 56. Similarity-Based Clustering: Recent Developments and 
Biomedical Applications/Ed. by  M.Biehl, B.Hammer, 
M.Verleysen, Th.Villmann.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5400.-203 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 57. Organized Adaption in Multi-Agent Systems: Revised 
Selected Papers/ First International Workshop, OAMAS 2008. 
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008/Ed. by  G.Vouros, A.Artikis, 
K.Stathis, J.Pitt.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 
5368.-145 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 58. Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems: Revised 
Selected and Invited Papers/ 9th International Workshop, 
CLIMA IX. Dresden, Germany, September 2008/Ed. by  M.Fisher, 
F.Sadri, M.Thielscher.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.
-Vol. 5405.-173 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 59. Cmputer-Mediated Social Networking: Revised Selected 
Papers/ First International Conference, ICCMSN 2008. 
Dunedin, New Zealand, June 2008/Ed. by  M.Purvis, 
B.T.R.Savarimuthu.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 
5322.-201 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 60. Knowledge Acquisition: Approaches, Algorithms and 
Applications: Revised Selected Papers/ Pacific Rim Knowledge 
Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2008 Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008
/Ed. by  D.Richards, B.-H.Kang.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer,
 2009.-Vol. 5465.-243 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 61. Engineering Psichology and Cognitive Ergonomics: 
Proc./8th International Conference, EPCE 2009 Held as Part 
of HCI International 2009 San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. 
by  D.Harris.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5639.
-627 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 62. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 
Proc./8th International Conference ICCBR 2009 Seattle, WA, 
USA, July 2009/Ed. by  L.Mcginty, D.C.Wilson.-Heidelberg, 
Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5650.-526 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 63. Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and 
Operational Neuroscience: Proc./5th International 
Conference, FAC 2009 Held as Part of HCI International 2009 
San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009/Ed. by  D.D.Schmorrow, 
I.V.Estabrooke, M.Grootjen.-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 
2009.-Vol. 5638.-850 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 64. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern 
Recognition: Proc./6th International Conference, MLDM 2009 
Leipzig, Germany, July 2009/Ed. by  P.Perner.-Heidelberg, 
Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5632.-821 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 65. Advanced Data Mining and Applications: Proc./5th 
International Conference, ADMA 2009 Beijing, China, August 
2009/Ed. by  R.Huang, Q.Yang, J.Pei, J.Guma.-Heidelberg, 
Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5678.-807 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 66. Next-Generation Applied Intelligence: Proc./22nd 
International Conference IEA/AIE 2009 Tainan, Taiwan, June 
2009/Ed. by  B.-Ch.Chien, T.-P.Hong, Sh.-M.Chen, M.Ali.
-Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5579.-839 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 67. Rewriting Techniques and Applications: Proc./20th 
International Conference, RTA 2009 Brasilia, Brazil, 
June/July 2009/Ed. by  R.Treinen.-Heidelberg, Berlin: 
Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5595.-391 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 68. Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, 
Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living, 
Part II: Proc./10th Intl Conf. IWANN 2009 Workshops 
Salamanca, Spain, June 2009/Ed. by  S.Omatu.-Heidelberg, 
Berlin: Springer, 2009.-Vol. 5518.-1304 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).