
Laboratory of Theoretical Programming

Laboratory Head — Promsky Alexei

The main research line of the Laboratory is to develop methods and tools for verification and analysis of distributed systems. The emphasis is on the investigation of fundamental verification methods based on net and logic models such as Petri nets, event structures, temporal and program logics.

Two experimental systems are under development: the system SPECTRUM for problem-oriented program verification and the ESPV system for verification of Estelle (SDL)- specified communication protocols modeled by modified colored Petri nets.

Research personnel

Anureev Igor — Senior researcher
Bodin Evgeny — Researcher
Bystrov Alexandr — Senior researcher
Chernenok Sergey Anatolyevich — Junior researcher
Garanina Nataliya — Senior researcher
Maryasov Ilya — Researcher
Mashukov Mikhail — Junior researcher
Promsky Alexei — Laboratory Head
Rybakov Vladimir Vladimirovich — Chief researcher
Selivanov Victor Lvovich — Chief researcher
Selivanova Svetlana — Senior researcher
Veretnov Sergey — Junior researcher

Technical personnel

Alekseev Gennady Ivanovich — Leading programmer
Elokhina Maria — First grade engineer
Mikhailov Ivan — First grade programmer
Mylnikov Sergey — Leading programmer
Pan'kova Olga — Leading engineer