
Young informatics - 2005

Collection of papers of graduate students and young scientists
Novosibirsk 2005

The volume contains the papers presented by post-graduates and young researchers of A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems which concern the following research areas: theoretical aspects of programming, informational technologies and information systems, system software and applied software.

The articles are available in Russian only as  PDF document (1.08 MB)


Borovikova O., Bulgakov S., Sidorova E.
The knowledge system of informational Internet-portal on scientific subjects
Dubranovsky I.V.
Exception handling elimination while translating from C#-light into C#-kernel
Kanius S.S., Nikitin A.G.
Implementation of a Closed Set of Boolean Operations over Polygonal Regions on a Discrete Grid
Koldakov V.V., Panov N.V., Shary S.P.
Visual representation of running the algorithms of global interval optimization
Mashukov M.Yu.
Translation of SDL-specifications with dynamic constructions to Coloured Petri Nets by Jensen
Petrov V.P.
Survey of Methods of Application of Ontology and Data Schemes to Integration of Distributed Heterogeneous Information Resources
Plavenchuk E.A.
Extension of capabilities of the FinPlan system using structure models
Rinskaya N.M.
Analysis of timed Petri Nets based on testing equivalences
СSidorova E.A.
Document processing methods based on expert knowledge
Stasenko A.P.
Graphical metalanguage for translator specification
Shkurko D.V.
Graph rewriting systems: leader selection and topology recognition in anonymous nets
Gluhankov M.P.
Integrated environment SFP for visual functional programming